How often are Steve Jobs Apple Keynotes?

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On hearing that the MacWorld next January will be Apple’s last, I got curious.

How often does Steve Jobs give those keynotes he’s famous for? There seem to be more than 2 per year.

So I went hunting and found this torrent of Apple keynotes. Hot diggity!

In short, up until now, his Steveness has generally given keynotes in

  • January at MacWorld
  • June at the WorldWide Developer’s Conference
  • Other miscellaneous random times as long as they’re on a tuesday. And there’s almost always one of those in October.

I thought there might have been more of a pattern to those miscellaneous outings but apparently not.

Excuse me while I shed a tear that we won’t see Steve “one more thing” Jobs this coming January. <sniff>

Ok, back to learning Objective C…

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